Wednesday, 12 December 2012

The completed Evaluation

Show below here is our evaluation. Each question is a separate video.

Question 1:

Question 2:

Question 3:

Question 4:

Week begining 10th December

In Monday's lesson, we continued to edit the four videos for each of the questions. We also filmed some more of the videos that we needed for question one, two and four. The deadline for the evaluation was meant to be on Monday 10th December, but the deadline has changed to Tuesday 11th December. In Tuesday's lesson we were all editing our videos. The questions that we had to answer in the evaluation video were:

1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
2. How effective is the combination of your main product (video) and ancillary tests (digipack and advert)?
3. What have you learned from your audience research?
4. How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

We then all had to make sure that the four videos were exported by 4.30pm. The blog is due in tomorrow on Wednesday at 4.30pm.

In Wednesday's lesson we did some work on the blog. As the blog has to be done by the end of today. We added things onto the blog like the final cut of the music video, made the videos in the music video analysis actual be shown in the posts instead of just the links. We also did a range of other small things to the blog.

Friday, 7 December 2012

Week beginning 3rd December

On Monday this week it was the deadline for both the advert and the digipack. Both of these had to be handed in and finished by 4.30pm. We reached this deadline, for both of these. In Monday's lesson we finishing off the digipack, we did this through making the last changes. We also made a couple of small changes to the advert. There are two links below here, one of these is to the finished version of the advert and the other one is the final version of the digipack.

Final version of Advert

Digipack final version

In Tuesday's lesson we continued to do some work on the evaluation. As the evaluation is due in next Monday, which is the 10th December. We each did some work on each of the questions as we all took one question on each. We all finished writing down are ideas of what we will be doing for are question. There is a link below here that is to a post about the evaluation and what the questions are.


In Wednesday's lesson we also continued to do more work on the evaluation. We started to book out camera's for filming things for question 1,2 and 4. For question 1 and 2 a similar thing will be done. There will be videos filmed for these, with the question being answered in sub questions. For question 3 instead of filming something for this question, we will be showing some feedback that we got from our target audience explaining how the feedback that they gave us helped us.  For question 4 we will be filming a gadget show style video to compare of two camera's that we used. This will be for part of the question and then other videos will be done for the other parts of the question.

In Thursday's and Friday's lessons we continued to make the evaluation.Through writing out what we were going to say, filming some of the videos that we needed and editing. The deadline for the whole evaluation is  Monday.

Monday, 3 December 2012

Final version of Advert

Our final version of our advert, was also our third version. There is a link below, here that is to the our second version to our advert.

Advert version two

We made the improvements to the advert for the final version. We made the improvements that our target audience said that we could do, there is a link to this post below here.

Target audience feedback on version two

Shown below here is our final version of our advert:

For the final version of the advert, we made the changes to it that our target audience had given us from the second advert. So we added the black bar across the bottom of the page, which includes what the advert is for like our audience said we should have. This bar includes that it is for an deluxe edition digipack, vinyl and download.

Another thing that we changed for the final version of the advert, was that we made all of the band members look more clear and a bit less cartoon like by re-taking the photo's of their faces. You can see the difference if you compare the faces of the band members on this advert to their faces on the second version of the advert.

We also changed some of the quotes that are at the top of the advert, as our target audience pointed out that Kerrang don't give out stars they give out K. So we changed the stars to being form MOJO. We also changed the quote from NME magazine, as our audience said that this quote was to personal. So we changed the quote and changed how the quote was by. So now the quote is "A must have album" from iTunes. 

Final version of Digipack

We finished our final version of our digipack in time for the deadline. We made a couple of different versions of the front cover of the digipack, we did a post about this when we were at the start of making the music video, there is a link to this post below here.

Digipack front covers

We also did a post about what the digipack and advert should include, this is linked below here.

What the digipack and advert should include

Our finished final version of our digipack is shown below here.

Digipack outside and inside:

CD, that goes on the inside of the digipack:

Front and back of digipack booklet:

 Inside of booklet, page one and two:

 Inside of booklet page three and four:

Friday, 30 November 2012

Target audience feedback on Advert version two

After we had finished making the second version of the advert, we got some feedback on this. There is a link below, which is to a post which includes the second version of the advert and it explains what we did with that version of the advert.

Advert version two

Some feedback that we got when we showed are advert to our target audience was:
  • That the faces were not clear enough and that the faces are too cartoon like. 
  • Another thing was that they through that the name of the digipack should be something else, so this will need to be changed on the advert as well.  
  • The quote by NME needs to be changed as it is to personal, it needs to be made more general.  
  • Need to add on that it is an advert for a digipack, download and vinyl, as there is nothing on the advert to say what it is for. 
  • The stars from Kerrang needs to be changed as they did out K's not stars, or change how the quote is by.
We will made on last version of the advert, this was the third version it was also the final version. We made all of these changes that our target audience said, to the advert of the final version. We re-took the photo's so that the faces looked less cartoon like when we added the affect to them. We also put on the bottom of the advert that it was for a digipack, download and vinyl. Another thing that we did was we changed some of the quotes. So we changed the NME quote to iTunes and made it less personal. We also changed the kerrang stars to Mojo, as they give out stars. There is a link to the final version of the advert below here.  

Week beginning 26th November

On Monday we had to finish editing our final version of our music video. The final version had to be finished by 4.30pm. All that we really did on Monday was editing and exporting the video. We did also do one other thing which was a post about dealines that will be coming up in the next couple of weeks. This post is linked below here:

Deadlines coming up

We got our final version of our music video handed in on Monday. There is a link below here to a post which has our final version of our music video in.

Final version of music video

In Tuesday's lesson we watched our finished music video and also the other groups videos in our class. After we had watched these videos. We then looked at what we have to do for the evaluation, so things like the questions. There is a post below here that explains the evaluation.


In Wednesday's lesson we continued work on the booklet for inside the digipack. Some of the things that we did was we started to do the thanks on the back of the booklet. So we did the thanks from the whole band and also individual thanks from each of the band members. We also got all of the bands signatures, we then scanned them in. We then started to put the signatures on the front cover of the booklet and on the pages on the inside of the booklet that has a profit of each of the band members on. So each band members signatures is on there profile page as well as the outside of the booklet. We also choice the name for the booklet, that will go inside the digipack. We also did some other things to the digipack.

In Thursday's lesson we continued work on the digipack and digipack booklet. We added more thanks to the back of the booklet, as we had not finished the thanks. We also made some changes to the advert for the third version of the advert. We re-did all of the faces on the band members so that they looked more clear. We also changed the name of the album and changed one of the quotes. We also got some target audience feedback on our second version on our second version of the advert, there is a link to this before here.

Target audience research version two

In Friday's lesson we continued to work on the digipack. We completed the inside of the booklet, the profile pages for each of the band members. We did not put in the pictures yet as we will be taking these third lesson. We also continued on the main part of the digipack, we completed this, through the text, and logos. But we did not put the images in as we will be taking these third lesson. We made the changes to the advert that we were told would improve our advert in the target audience feedback.

Another thing that we did in our lesson on Friday was we started to look at the evaluation questions, and thinking about ideas of what we could do for each of these questions.